All are welcome... especially you!
34 Monica St.
Rochester, NY 14619
(585) 235-3340
Walk with us
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 10:15 AM + Live stream
Sunday 11:30 AM - Emmanuel Church of the Deaf
(Voice Interpreted)
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 10:15 AM + Live stream Sunday 11:30 AM - Emmanuel Church of the Deaf (Voice Interpreted)

Music at St. Monica Church
We are so grateful to have vocal music again at St Monica, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Do you sing or have always wanted to? Do you play an instrument? Connect with Angela Nkugwa, our music director, to find out how you can minister through music at St. Monica's. We can't wait to make music together!
Musical opportunities​
Gospel Choir
Community Voices
Youth Choir
Saturday and Sunday ensembles